The Thing that Inspires

Lest we forget the fuel by which the fire burns. The growing flames pique interest – inspiration. Ne’er forget from where you have come – for the ancient past gives birth to your cosmic future.

The Creator of Cthulhu — Azathoth — Dunwich — to Dagon

H.P. Lovecraft

H.P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) was an American writer known for his influential contributions to the horror genre. His works, including “The Call of Cthulhu” (full text) and “At the Mountains of Madness,” (full text) explore cosmic horror and the fragility of the human mind when confronted by the unknown. Lovecraft’s creations, such as the Cthulhu Mythos, have had a lasting impact on literature, film, and popular culture. Despite limited recognition during his lifetime, he is now regarded as a significant figure in the history of speculative fiction.

He is the father of my favorite horror genre: Cosmic Horror. It is he who I emulate in my writing (with some extreme horror interspersed throughout).

Several of my published pieces are derived from the tendrils of that which pierce the soul – imbuing it with a darkness so deep that there is no direction, no physicality, nothing, yet there is something. There always has been and there always will be. Something — a thing that which may not be explain with human words. The void between understanding and ignorance is the lack of knowing. Fear wells —swirling as if becoming a maelstrom of hope and courage — removing all ability to reason. Sanity is lost.

How can one explain a being so grotesque, misshapen, oozing from orifices, with heavy, wet respirations — it is nothing yet something? The image morphs in the mind as the veil of ancient darkness weaves its way into the senses.

If one couldn’t see the source of unearthly sound and smell — how might they foretell their demise?

I am currently studying the complete works of H. P. Lovecraft. I intend to learn the twisted grottoes of his maniacal mind. Ahh, please mind the odd sweater I’m wearing, the sleeves are far too long so they buckle them for me in the back. I’m always giving myself a hug 🥰 it’s great.

Ummm… anyways…

There are other authors who have given roots to my writing.

Margaret Atwood

She is the author of some of the most unexpected pieces of speculative and cosmic horror. The way she dangles meaning over the uncanny valley for readers to attempt to grasp. It’s never here nor there, never palpable.

Her works include The Handmaid’s Tale, The Testament, Alias Grace, The MaddAddam Trilogy, and more.

While she is famous for her Handmaid’s Tale series — her other famous works include shocking short stories and haunting human horror.

While Lovecraft might be my inspiration, Atwood is my idol.

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